
Map an IGC™ Task to An Existing dspConduct™ Task

After an IGC™ task is imported into dspConduct™ for the first time, it must be mapped to an existing dspConduct™ task. If the task is republished in IGC™ and imported again, the task mapping is not updated. If the IGC™ task is deleted in IGC™, the mapping is removed, but the dspConduct™ task is not otherwise affected. If the task is deleted in the Content WebApp, the IGC™ task must be mapped to another dspConduct™ task.

To map an IGC™ task to an existing dspConduct™ task:

  1. Click dspConduct > Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the IGC Tasks icon for the category.
  3. Click the Use Existing Tasks icon.
  4. Select the name of the dspConduct™ task in the TASK ID list box.

    NOTE: The list box displays tasks of the same task type as the IGC™ task selected on the IGC Task page. If the IGC™ task is a Post type task, the delivered tasks Request Post and Request Post Workflow Notification are also available.

  5. Click Save.

NOTE: If an error has occurred in the framework while attempting to map the IGC™ task to the existing dspConduct™ task an error message displays and the PUBLISHED field is unchecked. Click the log link in the error message for more information.

Continue with Update Custom Attributes for IGC™ Governance Elements in dspConduct™, if needed.